Overcome Fear of Public Speaking for FREE!

How do you get over stage fright? What can you do to cure fear of public speaking? These issues plague so many performers and presenters that I decided to specialize in helping people overcome stage fright and fear of public speaking. If you have stage fright or fear of public speaking, my [...]

Do You Have Virtual Stage Fright? Here’s the Cure!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDrePsts_s Are you a coach, consultant or performer that feels nervous while speaking on Zoom or social media? Do you obsessively re-write or delete posts or direct messages because you're afraid of saying the wrong thing?   You my friend have Virtual Stage Fright and it is interfering with your work. [...]

Happy Client Video Testimonial

Would you like to hear what my clients have to say? Here is my long term coaching client Kathy Rausch, author of Activate Divine Creativity: The Life Changing Magic of the Mandala, speaking about her experience working with me:   https://youtu.be/FV2yGdDnBBs

I’d Love to Hear from You!

  Are you one of my clients? I would love to hear what you have to say! And, this little app makes it super easy to let me know what's on your mind. You can choose video or text message, and you may respond when it's convenient for you. Just click the [...]

EFT Tapping for Financial Stress for Musicians

Are you a musician or other artist feeling stressed about MONEY? In this tapping sequence, we will tap on the issue of financial insecurity and stress about money as it relates to musician and artists. The pandemic has amplified the financial insecurity that many working musicians experience, and has cast a shadow [...]

How to Increase Your Capacity for Great Ideas

Creativity is the driving force of innovation and human transformation. But how do we get more and better ideas? By expanding our COP - our Container of Possibilities. Creativity is critically important right now, and not just because making or immersing oneself in the arts relieves stress, elevates mood and brings feelings [...]

Too Hard to Love Them? Just be Kind.

We are often encouraged to love one another, to love ourselves, and to understand that the very ground of being is love. But, the English word "love" is loaded. It is rife with multiple meanings and is tossed about in the vernacular like a half-deflated soccer ball. Simply put, it can be [...]

How to Write a Song in 5 Minutes

You ever get an earworm stuck in your head? Yes, snippets of pop songs often become earworms for most of us, but I'm talking about an original earworm... one that could be a song idea trying to come to you? In this video, watch the process of what I do when I [...]

Why Some People Don’t Like Music

Have you ever wondered why some people just don't seem to like music? Musical anhedonia is a brain condition that causes people to feel apathetic toward music, or even to dislike it outright. About 3-5% of the population experiences music anhedonia, and this means the reward centers in their brain are not [...]

My Favorite Practice to Honor ANGER

Many people - including me - use yoga as a tool to deal with anger. I invite you to try it, too, but NOT just in the conventional, quiet, peaceful-looking way. The next time you feel angry, go to your yoga mat, roll it up into a tube, and use it to [...]

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