Would you like to listen in on the juicy conversations we have at the Women’s Circle Live Gatherings in Columbus, Ohio?
We record every minute of our monthly gatherings to share with you! You can access recordings from the most recent Circles on my Soundcloud page.
Also, each month’s recording is posted here to my blog, and can be found by doing a search for “The Women’s Circle” and then choosing the date you want to hear.
Below is the most recent recording from July 24th, 2018. We discussed how the Shadow Self and the unconscious can sabotage our efforts to manifest, changes in our bodies and energy in this tumultuous time and delighted in discovering we are not alone in how we feel.
If you are in the Columbus area and would like to chat about creativity, womanhood, and whatever the hell else comes to mind when women get together and just let it fly, please join us!
Here is a link to the online Women’s Circle group, so click through and join the hoop!
Your Source for Creativity and Connection in Columbus, Ohio
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